FORGET ABOUT GRAMMAR! What? How can you possibly forget about grammar!? Forgetting about grammar is very important for becoming fluent in English. Well, of course you need some grammar. SOME. But I’m willing to bet my last dollar that you’ve already got enough – and probably you have a lot of it. I’m even willing to bet that you could more than likely beat almost ANY native English speaker in a grammar contest. I really mean that because, you see, most native English speakers don’t understand grammar very well at all. You all know someone (maybe it’s you), who can get a very high score on a grammar test, but can’t speak or understand any English. Does that really seem like a successful model of language learning? It would be like completely understanding the theory of music, the structure of music, and what all the notes and little marks mean, but…almost never actually playing music (or singing). It wouldn’t make much sense, would it? “To learn it, do it!” Roger Schank You see, having ...
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