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Showing posts from March, 2009

Proverbs from India

Life is a bridge.cross over it. but build no house on it. A person consists of his faith. Whatever is his faith, even so is he. Don't bargain for fish which are still in the water. Call on God, but row away from the rocks. The cobra will bite you whether you call it cobra or Mr. Cobra.

Join ppt slides

Sometimes it may be the case that you want to copy all slides of one PPT i.e. Microsoft power point to another, or you want to merge two different PowerPoint files. So here is the solution to join both the files quickly , no need to select the slides from one file and then appending them at the end. PowerPointJoin is a handy and very small software will do your work within few seconds, Just feed him the text file with names of all ppt files to merge, and click to merge. It will create a Combined.ppt file with all your slides in it. DOWNLOAD

Adsense approval

now a days are not get approved for adsense program due to heavy traffic in participation as a publisher in adsense. thus adsense has started making strict and standard valuation of the site. so mostly domains are approved now a day. if the person feel than domains are costly. there are some google friendly domains. which too can be used such domain in which can be used as DNS,A,MX and CNAME records, thus the blog users can change their name to this domain ( instead of free domain setup is simple. just follow the steps below 1.Goto ur browser and open to 2.type for a free domain which u want to use and see wheather it is avaluable 3.if ur desired name is avaluable make a register to it. step u have to setup for a domain to do so goto "setup--->manage domain" "zone records" in that column "host" type your domain name ( 6.then choose "CNAME" ...

Recover corrupted hard disk

Ever had a hard drive get all corrupted by money and power? Or just overuse… I found a good tutorial on how to recover your data from a corrupted hard drive, but it needed some tweaking so I moved some stuff around. This should be more efficient. First things first, you need a new hard drive. It can be external if you want. But you HAVE to be able to mount it as a directory in DSL (damn small linux) Now you need to borrow someone elses computer (cause yours is screwed right?). Download DSL (damn small linux) Just google “Damn Small Linux Download”, you’ll find it. Got it? Good, now boot it. after booting you will see the GUI of the DSL, run TERMINAL and follow this command *Note: this command will make you a super user in DSL #sudo su *Note: this command will mount you HDD on DSL #mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 *Note: this command will check if your data is still on the HDD #cd /mnt/hda1 #ls -al Found any data? If not stop here and cry. If yes move on. Since you already have you new hard d...

Reduce Broadband bill

If you’re one of those poor internet users who have to pay by the Megabyte, or have a capped allowance then I have 5 good tips (and 1 silly tip) for reducing your bandwidth usage, so that you can surf more. I’ve never come across these applications before, because I have an unlimited pipe which in some months downloads obscene amounts of data. Onspeed : Its a slipstream accelerator which uses Squid Cache to compress text and images before downloading. So far it has compressed 634 MB into 249 MB on my system.Works like a charm FlashBlock Extension : I hate annoying flash ads, especially on Yahoo and by Tribal Fusion Ad Network. So this Firefox extension does the job of blocking them. Imglikeopera Extension : Yeap, This is a Firefox extension too. It loads images from cache (I browse during free night hours to fill my cache) i.e saves bandwidth Adblock Extension : I should have quoted this before Imglikeopera, Anyway this Firefox extension blocks all ads except ones in your whitel...

Trick to test antivirus

Open notepad and paste this: X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* Save it as The Anti-Virus should stop you (if it does that means its working). Don't worry about it. European Institute for Computer Anti-virus Research (EICAR) have got people to program Anti-Virus to recognise this as a threat (even tough it's completely harmless)...

Ecstatica poster

Create online screen video

Many of us Want to Create Videos Tutorials like How to Use Software etc? How to record & Capture Full screen Videos Directly from PC Screen This software will create file in SCREEN2EXE or SCREEN2SWF, You can Record Onscreen changes, Record mouse movement and clicking, Record speech from microphone, High speed. Capture up to 30 frames per seconds. You can edit And also you can Export Download ScreenToExe

rahman biography

Date of Birth 6 January 1966 , Madras (now Chennai), India Birth Name A.S. Dileep Kumar Nickname The Mozart of Madras Isai Puyal Mini Biography Allah Rakha Rahman was born A.S. Dileep Kumar on January 6, 1966, in Madras (now Chennai), India, to a musically affluent family. Dileep started learning the piano at the age of 4, and at the age of 9, his father passed away. Since the pressure of supporting his family fell on him, he joined Ilayaraja 's troupe as a keyboard player at the age of 11. He dropped out of school as a result of this and traveled all around the world with various orchestras. He accompanied the great tabla maestro Zakir Hussain on a few world tours and also won a scholarship at the Trinity College of Music at Oxford University, where he studied Western classical music and obtained a degree in music. Due to some personal crisis, Dileep Kumar embraced Islam and came to be known as A.R. Rahman. In 1987, he moved to advertising, where he composed more than 300 ji...

more english tips

Have desire – Want to learn a new language. Learning English requires a lot of study and dedication. Only true desire will keep you motivated. Know your motive – Why do you want to learn English? Is it to help you in school, your business or something else? Identify your reason and remember it when you are having a hard time. Set goals – Set goals for yourself whether it be learning twenty words a week or giving a presentation in English at work next month. Goals will keep you motivated. Study a little each day – Studying formally for at least 30–60 minutes a day will help you retain what you learn. At the beginning of each study session, review what you learned in the lesson before. Make a set study schedule – Set aside a specific time for study each day. That way you are less likely to skip your lessons. Study out loud – Pronounce the words out loud to yourself as you study. You will remember them more easily and you will be able to practice your pronunciation at the same time. Use d...

Edit Web Pages While They Are Open

Its a very cool hack using which you can make a webpage editable while it is open in your browser. Here’s the hack- 1. Open the webpage that you want to edit. 2. Paste the following javascript code into the browsers address bar(instead of the website’s URL), and press enter. javascript:document.body.contentEditable= 'true' ; document.designMode= 'on' ; void 0 javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0 That’s it. Now you can directly edit the web page inside the browser. Try it, its really cool


Here are the oscar moments of ar rahman.