From the very first day i've joined corporate world, there was a small revolution going inside myself thinking about "Does friendship exists in corporate world?". Days passed like a super fast express. In my, small but learnable corporate experience, apart from technical things, i've studied a lot about people around me. Sorry, not people, Resources. Corporate field is ofcourse an area to earn livelihood. But according to my opinion, it should be opted the least. Only if no other options are available. It's a field where one have to wantedly kill Human inside himself. At the initial stages, one has to work like a machine.Then in later stages, he/she gets used to it. Even if we have passion to do work in our favourite Domain, they won't let you do so. Adding to this, also you'd be posted to a far off location from your hometown even if there is an office near to your hometown.Even if you try to adjust in these kind of situations, searching for a good friend at workplace, you can't. You just have to pass days in memories of your school & college friends. During college days, even 2000/- rs were enough to spend a luxurious life enjoying with friends. But now, even 5 digit salary is not able to satisfy a person.
Reason : Lack of a friendly friend at workplace.
One thing i've learnt perfectly... The relations at workplace are artificial and temporary. They are no where comparable to relations in school and college.
All the above said things are purely my opinion based on my experiences.
Reason : Lack of a friendly friend at workplace.
One thing i've learnt perfectly... The relations at workplace are artificial and temporary. They are no where comparable to relations in school and college.
All the above said things are purely my opinion based on my experiences.

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